
Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna
Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna

Before they begin teaching, graduate students participate in a graduate seminar on pedagogy, titled “Language Pedagogy for the Contemporary Classroom” (CCTE 50100). This course is an introduction to foreign language acquisition and to the theoretical models underlying current methods, approaches and classroom practices. Syllabus and test design and lesson planning are also treated. All participants complete two days of observation and two days of supervised teaching in a first-year class.

Graduate students receive additional training and support at the Department’s annual teaching orientation, which all graduate students teaching in a given academic year must attend. This orientation addresses specific course objectives and practices, as well as general procedural and pedagogical issues. First-time instructors are also required to attend the Chicago Center for Teaching orientation for the College, Teaching@Chicago.

Throughout their time in the program, graduate students continue to develop their pedagogical expertise and approach by attending the workshops and seminars offered by the Chicago Center for Teaching and the Chicago Language Center.

Visit here for more information on teaching opportunities for graduate students.