Elizabeth Ramsey graduated from the University of Oxford with an AHRC-funded MSt in Modern Languages in 2017 before joining the Department in 2018. She received her BA in German with Italian Studies from the University of Warwick in 2015 having spent a year at the Humboldt University in Berlin studying German and Italian literature. Her research has focused principally on the Brothers Grimm, specifically of the ‘Literarisierung’ both of the Märchen as the texts were edited, and of the first English translation of the tales made in 1823 which was to prove so important to the Grimms’ own approach and to nineteenth century British culture and beyond. She is also interested in broader topics related to narratology, pedagogy, didactics, genre, children’s literature and folklore from the eighteenth century to the present day, as well as the works of Kafka, Friedrich Nicolai, Theodor Fontane and Thomas Mann
GRMN 10100, GRMN 10200, GRMN 10300 (Instructor, 2019-20)