Joseph Haydt

Haydt Headshot
Cohort Year: 2014
Research Interests: 18th-century Literature and Aesthetics; German Idealism; Contemporary Theology
Education: BA, German, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014

Joseph Haydt graduated in 2014 from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a B.A. in German. He is currently working on a joint degree in Theology, with an emphasis on the thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Erich Przywara.  During academic year 2019-2020, he was hosted by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich as the recipient of a Fulbright Grant supporting research on the relationship between religion and literature in the work of Romano Guardini. His dissertation investigates developments in the concept of revelation by way of studies of Goethe, Kant and Hegel. Related topics of interest include the history and theory of the novel, the rhetorical functions of irony, and mimetic theory.

Teaching Experience

  • Elementary German, Instructor, 2015-2016
  • The German Fairy Tale (Taught in German), Instructor, 2017 
  • Nietzsche: Culture, Critique, Self-Transcendence, Teaching Assistant, 2018 
  • Intensive Elementary German, Teaching Assistant, 2020
  • Intensive Elementary Ancient Greek, Teaching Assistant, 2018